Flowering Top Hat Blueberry Bonsai Tree
Flowering Top Hat Blueberry Bonsai Tree
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Out of Stock til April

Our dwarf Top Hat Blueberry is native to northern and alpine North America.

■ Dwarf Top Hat Blueberry Bonsai Tree
■ Outdoor Bonsai Tree

■ 8 years old, 6"-8" tall

■ Loaded with small white blooms in spring followed by sweet full size 1/2" delicious, edible blueberries.
■ It has a harvest season of one month starting in early August. Self pollinating. Only 18" when fully grown.
■ The foliage turns a bright red color in the fall.
■ It's small, glossy leaves, gnarly trunk and slow growth make this the best edible bonsai. Deciduous. Keep outdoors.
■ Also known as (vaccinium corymbosum argustifolium)

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