Mount Fuji Serissa Flowering Indoor Bonsai Tree - (serissa foetida)
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Mount Fuji Serissa Flowering Indoor Bonsai Tree - (serissa foetida)
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Mount Fuji Serissa Indoor Blossoming Mini Bonsai Plant - (serissa foetida)

This unique and cool small indoor bonsai is easy to care for and blooms with beautiful white, star-shaped, miniature flowers. This sub-tropical variegated evergreen bonsai, which is imported from Japan, can bloom profusely with delicate white miniature flowers. This Japanese bonsai tree is a real plant that is shipped safely, grown for 7 years by professionals and is on sale here at our online indoor house plants store at the best possible cheap discount online sales price. 

7 years old, 10" tall
Suitable humidity/trip tray is recommended

Excellent for beginners.
White Star Shaped flowers

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