Porous Pipe Soaker Hose
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Porous Pipe Soaker Hose
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Save water by soaking underneath your weed suppressing mulches.

Strong, Superior Soaker Hose with these advantages:

  • Works invisibly under mulch or bark at 30 psi
  • Works up to 250 ft. in each length along borders, berms or driveways
  • Uses up to 70% less water than other watering methods
  • 5/8" i.d. allows greater water flow
  • Made in England for longer life in permanent landscape installations
  • Comes in 50 ft., 100 ft. or 250 ft. lengths with standard USA hose connections and end caps
  • Brass fittings used throughout
  • Made from recycled tires

■ To straighten the Porous Pipe coil and prepare for installation, loosen the male end cap slightly.
■ Connect the female end to your water supply and turn on very gently.
■ As the hose fills, uncoil it until it lies flat. When water reaches the far end, tighten the male end cap.
■ Includes pressure regulator

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